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Now hear this: tax relief and grants can save €1k+ on hearing aids

One in five Irish adults suffers from some form of hearing loss. Despite dementia and depression being linked to untreated hearing loss, research shows that people wait, on average, up to 10 years before seeking help, according to the Irish Society Of Hearing Aid Audiologists. The good news is that 84% of people who do seek treatment report an improvement in their quality of life. And you can get tax relief plus grants of up to €1000 says Corkwoman Dolores Madden, Marketing Director of Hidden Hearing Ireland.

How many people suffer hearing loss in silence?

Hearing loss is shockingly prevalent across Ireland. In fact, one in five Irish adults suffer from at least a mild hearing loss with one third of over 65s reporting a significant deterioration in hearing. But we know many suffer in silence because our survey earlier this year found that 22% of Irish people admitted waiting five years or more before seeking medical help for hearing loss.

Do people ignore hearing loss?

I worked as an audiologist for several years and met many customers whose hearing loss had worsened because they were reluctant to seek help. It’s heartbreaking to see the social isolation and anxiety caused by hearing loss yet only around 12% of Irish people who need a hearing aid are wearing one. On a positive note, it was very satisfying to witness the difference a hearing aid can make to people’s lives. The ability to communicate with our friends and family is so important. 

Is our attitude changing?

It’s a continuous challenge to break down the stigma attached to hearing aids and we do that by reminding people of the importance of looking after their hearing. For example, studies show that dementia and depression are linked to untreated hearing loss.

Top tips for buying a hearing aid?

First, insist on a full hearing exam, not just a quick screening test. A proper evaluation will include air, bone and speech tests as well as a video otoscope probe where the audiologist can see your tympanic membrane.  

My dad may need a hearing aid but he thinks they are too dear. What are the options?

You can expect to pay anything from €495  upwards per device. If you are eligible for the PRSI Treatment Benefit Scheme, the Department of Social Protection will pay up to €500 for a single hearing aid or €1,000 for a pair. Tax relief can also be claimed for medical expenses at the standard rate of tax (20%). At Hidden Hearing, we offer 0% finance so you can spread the repayments across 12 months at no extra charge. Certain medical card holders can also apply for hearing aids through the Health Board. 

Does Hidden Hearing provide a free check up?

Yes. You can avail of a full hearing evaluation from an audiologist free of charge. We want people to be happy with their treatment and offer a full refund for up to 90 days.

Are hearing aids more hi-tech and subtle these days?

Yes, the modern digital aids are tiny, almost invisible, and act like a mini-computer in your ear. You can even connect your hearing aid (via bluetooth) to your TV, phone or tablet etc.

What was the best year of your financial life?

When I cashed in my SSIA savings, back when the Government topped up your money by 25% after five years. 

What is the most expensive thing you bought for fun?

I’m a sensible Capricorn — I’ve never splashed out a huge amount just for fun!

Do you/ did you own any property? How did it do?

The mortgage on our family home has finally been paid off.

Ever been treated badly as a consumer? What happened? What did you do?

Yes. I have a son with autism who is big into VHS videos. I recently ordered a copy of Annabelle’s Wish on eBay but it was a scam — the seller never posted the tape! I wrote a NICE message to him and spoke with Ebay, they are investigating the issue!

Would you complain in a restaurant if:

(a) Given bad service 

Only if they were really nasty. If they were very busy and being nice while trying to cope, I wouldn’t.

(b) Your food was tepid

I am not big into complaining about food in restaurants and by the time I finish chatting with friends, there’s a good chance the food will be cold anyway!

The best money decision you have made?

I bought Bank of Ireland shares during the recession. 

Do you save into a pension or invest in the stock market?

I’ve been saving into my pension since I was 32 but don’t really invest in the stock market — apart from those Bank Of Ireland shares. I find pensions quite daunting. But this reminds me, I do need to check how mine is shaping up.

What is the one little luxury you treat yourself to?

I love buying clothes and enjoy browsing fashion websites.

Is Ireland really a good place to do business?

It could be better, we tend to be reactive rather than proactive as a country.

How did you do in Budget 2020?

No change personally. The whole Brexit contingency fund seemed a bit last minute.


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