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Francis Brennan: how not to end up all at sea

A new TV series  - All Hands On Deck - starting tonight sees hotelier and TV personality Francis Brennan set sail on a cruise ship to try out new roles. Can he make it as a Maitre D, Entertainment Director and Hotel General Manager? And on sea instead of land? Here he tells us all about the challenges he faced with his new role, his investment disasters  – and how he was left speechless for the first time in his life while shooting his latest production.

 Sounds like a challenge! What was the hardest bit?

Had no worries at all, as just like a floating hotel, but don’t forget the bottle of milk.

I’ve been in the hotel business now for more than 40 years, starting as a young fella as a ‘wash up’ in the kitchen, moving on to serving in the bar, then off to college and back into hotels in general management.

Did you ever get seasick!?

Never get seasick as ships super stable these days

You said you were speechless for the first time in your life during this challenge. What brought that on?!

I was terrified of the line dancing, now if it was old time waltzing I’d have been fine as I can waltz ok, but I was a definitely challenged trying to figure out what on earth to do with my feet, not to mention keeping up with the professionals line dancing. And was leading them! But sure I just kept smiling and it all worked out - as you’ll see.

How did your first attempt to make pizza work out?

Not a pizza eater or a maker as you will see!

Any tips on checking out accommodation in advance for punters?

Good place to look is the fan extraction in the bathroom as it gets fluffed up as it extracts the stale air.

Worst hotel you’ve come across? (We can leave out name)

The worst was a hostel in Venice in 115 degrees. Not nice!!

Best? (Apart from your own).

A favourite hotel Chewton Glen in New Forest in UK. Just to tell you they have 5 full time painters on the payroll for 47 rooms, so as you can imagine the standard is very high. And the price reflects that at up to £700 stg per night.

Are we a messy nation? Worst mistakes we make in our homes?

We never throw out old newspapers which can mount up!!

What was the first paid work you ever did?

Veg round boy in Wicklow for Noel Nevin. I used to get up at 5 o’clock, cycle to the market, load up the van, then we’d drive to Wicklow, spend the whole day travelling around hotels, shops and guest houses delivering fruit and veg. But I always looked forward to having lunch in Noel’s mum’s house, she gave a young fella of 16 a great feed.

Have you ever struggled to make ends meet?

Always had a job and lived within my means so always lucky.

Have you ever been paid silly money?

Got silly money to speak at a conference 25 years ago in Killarney for an American company. They wanted a local entrepreneur to speak about business in the area of which seasonality was an important aspect.

What was the best year of your financial life?

Pre recession say 2004.

What is the most expensive thing you bought for fun?

In 1978 bought a fluorescent green Fiat Ritmo car for 8000 pounds

Loved it!!! It served me well when I was working in Cork and travelled to Sligo to visit mum.

What is your biggest money mistake?

Property - a disaster! I had various investments in different areas, companies, office blocks and hotels, all of which fell apart in the recession. If I was to invest again, I probably would do the same as I’d diversified in different places and countries but then hit the perfect storm of disaster.

The best money decision you have made?

Buying the Park Hotel Kenmare. I’ve spent 40 years of my life here and enjoyed every minute, its hard work, but work never killed anyone.

Do you save into a pension or invest in the stock market?

I paid into a pension all my life from age 25. I cashed it in to cover the losses of the recession which is not ideal because now I don’t have a pension, so work is the way forward.

Ever been treated badly – or well - as a consumer?  Or both!?

I got a present of a travel clock from Tiffany’s NYC but it never worked and they replaced it. Only it did exactly the same.  Eventually they gave me a cash refund ! But I learnt a valuable lesson in good customer service. They gave me a $200 voucher for my trouble, which I spent on a Steuben glass apple, representing the city of New York which I still have to this day. As a result of that purchase my nieces and nephews started to give me apples at Christmas and I now have over 400 apples on my mantlepiece. So from this troubled thing came a lovely tradition.

Which is the one little luxury you treat yourself to ?

A bag of Tayto now and again! I know it has calories and fat but listen …

Is Ireland really a good place to do business?

All countries have their issues and Ireland is no worse than most. Of course we do have the Brexit issue, which may prove difficult for tourism and not only because of travel from aboard but also domestic travel. If a farmer doesn’t sell the cow, he won’t go on holidays.

If you were Finance Minister what is the first thing you would do?

Reduce VAT back to 9% and I’d also take a look at domestic rates.

How did you do in Budget 2020?

As I only recently got the Old Age pension I’m delighted with the living alone increase.


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